How To Calm the Junk Food Addict In All Of Us

The hardest part about changing your diet is fighting cravings. Depending on just how drastically you’re trying to change your diet these cravings could seem almost insurmountable, but I’m going to give you a few tips that should help keep your inner cookie monster in check.

Just like with any addiction we all have food triggers – things that set us off down the path of poor eating. For some it will be stress or tiredness, for others it could be location or social pressures. Whatever it is the first step to fighting it is being aware!

Know Yourself

When most people cheat on a diet they want to forget about it as soon as possible, but rather than just pretending it didn’t happen acknowledge it, and see how your new-found awareness can help steer better eating habits. Spend a week to get to know your cravings by writing down not only what it is you are craving but the circumstances of the craving.

Try asking yourself these questions… Were you hungry or thirsty? Were you tired or stressed? Did you “have” to eat it because you didn’t have a solid plan for snacking or eating healthy throughout the day? Where is it that the craving hit and where did you go to satisfy it?

For some of us it will only take a day to see patterns emerge and indeed most of the time we satisfy our cravings in the same way or same place day after day. After you know what these places or things are, suddenly the task of eating right is more manageable – all you have to do is swap in something else and stay away from your triggers.

Be Proactive

Avoid places or situations that act as triggers. If you know that passing by the break-room is going to end with you grabbing a donut or two, then take another path! If you tend to get the 4:00 slump and turn to sugar, then spend the 15-20 you would normally spend going to get a snack to find a quite place to shut your eyes and relax. If you tend to visit with friends only over food try something new that could probably benefit both of you greatly. Try taking a class together or grabbing a cup of tea and going for a walk around a local park. Or just spend an hour cooking something you can both feel good about together!

If you are going to be stuck in a tempting situation like a business lunch or party then prepare ahead if you can. Eat something before hand, make sure you drink lots of water to keep yourself feeling full, and if you have to order out food have an idea of what you are going to order before you go in so that you don’t have to look at the menu…and by extension you don’t have to be tempted by the cheesecake on the last page. You can also ask your server to put half of your meal in a to-go box so that you don’t go crazy on the large portion sizes that are so common here in the Bay.

Willpower is a Muscle…Get Some Exercise!

Don’t make it too easy on yourself to get those craving foods. If you tend to give into cravings in the home then the solution is simple…don’t keep junk food in the house!Especially if you cannot eliminate junk foods from your house because you live with others, there are steps you can take to eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet. Separate other people’s junk foods from your own by actually putting their food in another cupboard or section so that you have no reason to even go near it (or look at it). If you make it difficult enough to get those junk foods you may find yourself perfectly satisfied with your healthy choices that are readily available. If you do getting a craving you just can’t kick…eat something healthy before hand (preferably with protein, fiber and healthy fats), park in the furthest parking space and don’t take leftovers home. Even more importantly make it an event with a friend! If you are going to treat yourself, make it something special!

Get Some Help

Let the people you are close with be your allies in the journey. Tell them what you are trying to do and how they can support you in positive ways. Perhaps instead of inviting you out for things you shouldn’t be eating they too could change their habits to be more inclusive and supportive. Also tell them when you are doing well so that your closest friends can share the joy of your accomplishments and congratulate you accordingly. Who knows your example may inspire them to make some changes of their own!

Be Compassionate

Know that we are all at different levels when it comes to self-control and eating and that changing your diet is a long process. On the way to your goals you will make mistakes and that is OK! But use those mistakes to learn more about yourself. As far as this article is concerned take the information you can use right now and come back to this article as a reference as your willpower grows stronger.

You’ve Earned It!

Schedule in a reward for yourself with very clear ground rules. For example if you are good this week you’ll go out for an ice cream with a friend. But rather than walking in unprepared, have a mental game plan and exercise your willpower by sticking to it! For example before you go in plan what you’re going to order…”I will have one small scoop of my favorite ice cream” so that when you get in there you don’t become overwhelmed with the option of having more – because there are no options you have already decided what you want. Some of us will have to schedule in more cheats than just an ice cream a week from now, but overtime you will begin to appreciate food in a different way and those “special treats” you love really will be special.

It is also nice to do other preparation for your special treat like taking the time to make it memorable by sharing the experience with a friend. Or eating a very healthy breakfast before hand so you aren’t starving when you get there. Or scheduling in a workout for afterwards so you can put those carbs and sugar to good use.
I personally will not eat a treat by myself any longer. I found when I made my treats an experience to share with a friend, not only was it more meaningful, but I also ate less treats because it is very difficult to match schedules with other people. I realized that many times rather than actually wanting a treat I wanted to take some time for myself and give myself something special, that same thing doesn’t always have to be accomplished with food. I am not saying this will work for everyone, but spend some mental energy finding a solution that works for you and then stick to it. By making your new standard the law you make your eating choices easier to maintain.

Pay the “Six-Pack-Tax”

The six-pack-tax is the extra premium you pay to have good and healthy food over cheap government-subsidized corn and grain based fast foods. It is buying a treat at full price because it is special and you don’t eat it everyday (if you don’t eat it all the time you wont have to have a sale to justify eating it anyway!). It is the extra $0.50 you pay for veggies instead of bread and butter as your side dish. It is the extra gas or bus money you spend (or even better the extra energy of the bike ride you take) getting to where ever you go for your special treat instead of buying brownie bites in bulk and keeping them around the house.

The funny thing about the six-pack-tax is that, over time, it actually saves you a ridiculous amount of money – and not just in medical bills because you are healthier. As you begin to switch over to a real food diet and you stop purchasing all of those overpriced packaged foods, you’ll see that meat or legumes and fresh veggies make for delicious and much cheaper snacks. Your venti caramel sugar bomb with a muffin from your favorite coffee shop could set you back $10, but a well prepared soup and an iced tea might cost 1/2 that. Most importantly it is an investment in yourself and in your future health and happiness. In my opinion you are worth it!

Sauerkraut Beef – Any easy way to get probiotic foods into your diet.


1 large yellow onion

2 tsp crushed garlic

2 cups carrots chopped

2 lbs ground beef ( can sub 2 cans kidney beans)

1 lbs ground pork (can sub 1 can garbanzo beans)

1 medium zucchini diced

6 large tomatoes cubed

1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

1 1/2 tsp caraway seeds

white pepper to taste

2 tsp oregano

1 tsp italian seasoning

2 cans diced tomatoes with juice

1 1/2 cups sauerkraut (separate the liquid and save)

1 1/2 cups cooked rice

Fresh grated or shaved parmesan, micro greens and paprika for garnish

Hold off on salting until the end because some sauerkraut can be quite salty

Cooking Instructions:

Cook onions and garlic in oil of choice (I used butter) until translucent, add in carrots and cook until they begin to soften. Add in meats (or legumes for vegetarians), spices, fresh tomatoes and zucchini and cook till browned. Add in canned tomatoes with juice and begin adding in sauerkraut juice until it reaches a taste you like. Simmer to combine ingredients. If your recipe is too sour add in a tsp of honey. Once the spices taste balanced to you add in the rice and mix together.

Serving Instructions:

Serve toped with sauerkraut (the leafy part that you reserved), fresh grated parmesan, micro greens and a dash of paprika.

*Keep in mind that with all recipes spices can vary in potency. My spices are very fresh and so quite strong yours may not be so feel free to add extra oregano, italian seasoning or caraway to meet your spice requirements.

Flax Hot Breakfast Cereal


image taken from

½ cup coconut milk, unsweetened almond milk
½ cup ground flaxseeds
¼ cup mix-ins which could be unsweetened coconut flakes, cup slivered almonds, chopped walnuts or pecans, sliced berries. (or you can do 1/4 cup of each)
1 rounded Tbs coconut cream (optional)
Ground cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and heat until warmed through or microwave for one minute. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired or for some added crunch poppy or chia seeds.

Sprouting Beans…How to do it and why you should!


Legumes are an extremely important part of a vegetarian or vegan diet providing a very healthy protein and carbohydrate source while at the same time giving the body what is known as the “second meal effect” or “lentil effect” which blunts blood sugar surges the day after consumption – something that can be very important for those who are vegetarian or vegan because they tend to consume more carbohydrates – which raise blood sugar – than their meat eating counterparts.

With that said legumes also contain anti-nutrients (compounds that interfere with nutrient absorption). As well as natural insecticides and enzyme inhibitors that can cause us digestive problems. That is why raw beans should be soaked before consumption (especially kidney beans!), but sprouting can be even better. Sprouting neutralizes those hard to digest compounds and can make nutrients and vitamins more bioavailable.

Dried beans are far more nutritious than their canned counterparts and are best sprouted but if you can’t sprout then soak!

The instructions below are taken from and have never let me down!


PLACE in a large glass bowl or mason jar, and cover with warm, filtered water (about a 2:1 ratio) and about ½ tsp. Celtic sea salt. Cover with a light cloth for desired time.

RINSE food thoroughly and drain.



GET a quart-sized (or larger) mason jar. Remove the solid middle insert of the lid, and cut a piece of cheesecloth or breathable mesh to fit inside.

FILL one-third of the jar with beans, and fill the rest of the jar with warm, filtered water and about ½ tsp Celtic sea salt. Screw the lid on with cheesecloth or breathable mesh screen in place.

SOAK For soaking times, see table below.

DRAIN/RINSE Remove the mesh insert of the lid, and replace with metal insert. Pour the soaking water out of the jar, fill with fresh water, replace lid, and rinse well by shaking jar. Replace the metal insert with the mesh lid again, and drain.

INVERT the jar and lay at an angle so that air can circulate, and the water can drain off. Allow to sit in the light.

REPEAT this process, rinsing every few hours, or at least twice daily.

WAIT In 1 to 4 days, the sprouts will be ready. When ready, rinse sprouts well, drain, and store in a jar (with the solid part of the lid replaced) in the fridge.

ENJOY within 2 to 3 days cook as you would canned beans.

****you need not wait for the sprouts to grow as soon as they begin sprouting use them!

Adzuki Beans 8-1 4
Black Beans 8-12 3
Chickpeas/Garbanzo 8 2-3
Lentils 7 2-3
Mung Beans 8-12 4

Add Some Spice to your Life

Satisfy your palate with real flavor!


When our palate starts craving some interesting flavor all too often we take the easy way out and give it sugar. We all know sugar tastes really nice but so can spice!


If you’ve gotten in a meal rut and your bored with the same old flavors try a new spice or spice combination, instead of carbs and sugar. Wouldn’t you rather have flavor and satisfying complex taste instead of the low quality fats and sugars that we turn to when we lose inspiration in the kitchen.


For a couple of fun combinations try…

Cinnamon, nutmeg and black pepper on chicken. (recipe later this week)

Yogurt with rose extract, cinnamon, nutmeg and golden raisins (recipe will posted tomorrow)

Lemongrass with ginger and coriander on veggies ( Safeway sells a nice lemongrass paste.)

Yoga Pose of the Day – Hip opening, Hamstring sequence

Gentle Hip and Hamstring Openers

The rain has finally arrived in California and the North West and that got me thinking many of us all over America (especially in the east) have been inside a lot more lately. Most of those outdoor activities we love are on hiatus – meaning we are probably spending a lot more time that we should sitting down. All that sitting is a recipe for tight hips and tighter hamstrings, Even for those of us that are avid skiers and snow-sport lovers tight hips are still a winter concern if your looking for optimal performance on the mountain.  

1) Warm up with a few sun salutations

2) Reclining Pigeon


Hold this pose for 10 good breaths rocking gently back and forth (only by a few inches) to deepen the stretch.

3) Reclining Pigeon with extended bottom leg.

If your right leg is crossed over the left then extended the left leg straight and rock slightly for 10 breaths. To deepen the stretch grab hold of the left leg big toe with the left hand peace fingers, holding the right leg open with the right forearm.

4) IT Band Stretch

Release the right leg down keeping the left one extended arms out to a T similar to the bellow picture.


From this position (but without the strap) turn the big toe in towards the center line of the body and let it drop across the midline by a few inches. The further you turn in the toe the more it will stretch.

5) Knee into chest

Draw your left knee into your chest and hold for 10 breaths.


release the leg down and spend a moment to see if one leg feels longer than the other.

Repeat all steps on the other side.

Cooking Oils Part 2

So what oils should we be cooking with?

Well that depends on what your doing with them. These oils are listed roughly in descending order based on their oxidation potential with the “no heat” oils being less stable and more easily oxidized. Oxidized oils deplete the bodies antioxidants and can lead to damage and inflammation, so don’t make your bodies clean up crews work overtime if they don’t have to! Just switch cooking oils.

image take from

image take from

Cooking oils and recommended usage:

For very high heat I’d recommend a little…
Coconut oil
Avocado oil (cold pressed is best)
palm oil (preferably red palm because of its high CoQ10 and vitamin E content)

These are most stable at higher heats and when frying (which in general I would recommend sparingly because of the increased production of AGE’s [advanced glycation end products] in the foods being fried – AGE’s fittingly enough make you age faster and have been linked to cancer and inflammation related diseases).

*It is important to keep in mind that carnosine found in meat has some protective effects against AGE formation.

For lower heat

any of the high heat oils
olive oil
macadamia nut oil
fish oil

To use on special occasion and at low heat (or better yet NO heat)
walnut oil
sesame oil
flax seed oil

Please store all your oil in dark bottles (glass is best) in a cool, dry, dark place to prevent oxidation and rancidity.

As a reminder from Part I and a quick reference we especially want to AVOID all industrial seed oils and oils high in omega-6 fatty acids. These include

*These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA.

Yoga Pose of the Day: Reclined Twist

Reclined Twist to Cleanse, Align and Relax

Whether you just had a weekend warriors three day weekend or you just had a long weekend of sitting driving and stressing followed by a week of more of the same, this pose can really help you loosen up, relax and cleanse the digestive system.



To begin lay flat on your back legs down arms by your sides. Draw your right knee into your chest, open your arms into a T with both shoulders down and then bring the right knee across the body and onto the floor on the left side of the body. From here look over the right shoulder keeping both shoulders against the floor. 

If your knee cannot touch the floor feel free to put a bolster or block under the knee for support so that you can keep your shoulders in contact with the floor.

For more of a stretch extend the right leg as shown below.


If you are still having trouble relaxing into this pose you can instead from the starting position draw both knees into the chest and drop both of them to the left side as show below.



Taking the proper variation for the way your body feel today and using bolsters and blocks where necessary will make this a relaxing and enjoyable pose for most anyone.